Andrew Vilcheck
93 Chester Avenue
Coatesville, PA 19320
ph: 484-888-2326
Chimney Painting and Repairs
This chimney required some scraping and crack repairs, especially to the crown area.
I use finish stucco for the repairs and Duramax 365 Exterior for the paint.
The crown is prone to the most wear .
If not repaired, water damage may occur inside the home.
After the stucco has cured, the cap is painted with Duramax 365.
Chimney Repairs and Repointing.
**************************************************************************Custom Tinted Masonry Sealer
The customer had new siding installed and wanted a color that gave contrast.
They chose black.
I pressure washed the stucco and made a few minor repairs.
Covering the siding with sheet plastic is the safest way to paint.
The black paint almost looks blue against the siding.
Chimney Repairs and Repointing.
A tree fell on this chimney about ten years ago. Now it needs new repairs and repointing.
Its's best to pull out all of the loose bricks, clean off the old mortar, then reset them.
I used muriatic acid several times to clean the residual mortar from the brick surface.
Chimney Painting / Minor Stucco Repairs
I used Duramax 365 Exterior Flat Masonry Waterproofer to coat the chimney.
Chimney Repair
Brick Replacement, Stucco Repair
Some of the bricks and stucco on this chimney were in very bad shape.The overall integrity was good but several bricks had totally cracked apart.
There were some large cracks in the stucco that also needed attention.
These cracks were only going to get worse. I used Rapid Set Mortar on the bricks and White Finish Stucco to fill the cracks.
The task was difficult trying to refit the pieces.
I applied White Finish Stucco to the crown to prevent water from getting inside and freezing in the Winter.
This chimney and metal capping needed painting. The capping was cleaned, sanded, and painted with Rustoleum.
*************************************************************************** Chimney Painting / Minor Stucco Repairs
I used Duramax 365 Exterior Flat to paint this chimney.
This chimney needed minor repairs to the cap.
There is some cracking with moss growth.
This chimney was pressure washed. Cracks were filled with finish stucco. The cap was sealed with "Chimney Rx". A masonry sealer was applied to the rest of the chimney.
Below is before repairs were done.
Stucco often times will crack or form crumbling bubbles that fall away from the surface. Applying paint to masonry is much less time consuming than tinting stucco to match pre-existing stucco.
Cap repairs are done after pressure washing. The concrete must cure 30 days prior to painting.
Below is a stucco coated retaining wall painted with masonry sealer.
The house below has some crumbling stucco. Not all needs to be repaired. Here the stucco has come off in slabs.
You can see the discolor discrepancy after it is repaired.
The above photo shows the stucco before repair...
Between the cables and to the left, you can see where the fresh stucco was applied.
Old stucco was removed to the right of the AC lines.
Here you can see the repairs that were made. The color chosen for the masonry sealer is called "Bombay".
This area by the chimney did not need repairs...just painting.
Under the deck.
To the left of the deck.
Near the corner of the garage.
IThe retaining wall prior to Sealing areas had hairline cracks.
Andrew Vilcheck
93 Chester Avenue
Coatesville, PA 19320
ph: 484-888-2326